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Why Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) matters to you in Singapore and what you need to know about it

The Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) and Ministry of Manpower (MOM) published the guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests (TG-FWAR) setting out:  

  • how employees should request for FWAs and use them and,
  • how employers and supervisors should handle FWA requests.

These Guidelines set the minimum requirements that all employers are required to abide by and recommend other good practices for employers to consider in relation to formal FWA requests. 

These Guidelines will come into effect on 1 December 2024.

The Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement issued by Singapore, is a progressive employment practice that affects every business, employer and working adult. Why it matters to you and how we can prepare for its implementation can view from the perspective of

Improving Inclusivity at Workplace:

  • Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) can improve inclusivity by accommodating diverse needs and circumstances of employees, as outlined in the Guidelines. For instance:
    • Parents with young children or caregivers can better balance work and family responsibilities.
    • Persons with disabilities may require specific accommodations, which FWAs can provide, enabling them to participate more fully in the workforce.
    • Flexible schedules and remote work options can support employees with health conditions or transportation challenges.
  • FWAs therefore allow employees with diverse backgrounds, caregiving responsibilities, health conditions, or disabilities to participate more fully in the workforce by offering options such as telecommuting, flexible hours, or job-sharing arrangements.
  • By providing FWAs, employers demonstrate their commitment to creating an inclusive workplace culture where employees feel valued, respected, and supported in managing their work and personal responsibilities.

Benefits to Employers and Employees:

  • Employers:
    • Increased employee retention and loyalty due to improved work-life balance.
    • Enhanced productivity and efficiency as employees can work during their most productive hours.
    • Access to a wider talent pool by attracting individuals who require FWAs.
    • Improved employee morale, satisfaction, and well-being.
    • Attraction of a diverse talent pool, including individuals who prioritize work-life balance.
    • Potential cost savings through reduced overhead expenses associated with office space and utilities.
  • Employees:
    • Better work-life balance leading to reduced stress, burnout and improved mental well-being.
    • Increased job satisfaction, morale and loyalty to the organization.
    • Greater autonomy and control over work schedules, leading to higher productivity.
    • Ability to pursue personal interests or attend to family needs without sacrificing their career.
    • Greater autonomy and control over work schedules, allowing for better alignment with personal commitments and interests.
    • Opportunities for career advancement and professional development without sacrificing personal responsibilities.

Rules and Parameters in Implementing Flexible Work Arrangements:

  • In the Guidelines, it provides parameters within which employers must operate to ensure fairness and balance in accommodating flexible work arrangements.
  • Broadly, the rules cover flexi-place, flexi-time and flexi-load arrangements.
  • Straits Times published ‘What flexi-work requests must employers fairly consider under new rules?‘ provides practical answers in navigating FWA and tips.

Good Practice for Employers in Implementing Flexible Work Arrangements:

  • Establish clear policies and guidelines regarding eligibility, application procedures, communication expectations, and performance evaluation criteria.
  • Ensure equitable access to FWAs for all eligible employees, without discrimination and guard against potential biases in their allocation.
  • Implement appropriate technology infrastructure, solutions and security measures to support remote work and protect sensitive data.
  • Provide training and support for managers to effectively manage remote teams and evaluate performance based on outcomes rather than hours worked.
  • Regularly review and adjust FWAs based on feedback and evolving business needs to maintain fairness and effectiveness.
  • Regularly assess the effectiveness of FWAs and solicit feedback from employees to identify areas for improvement and address any challenges or concerns that may arise.

Learn from countries with the Most Flexible Work Arrangements:

  • Singapore itself has made significant strides in promoting flexible work arrangements through initiatives like the Tripartite Guidelines mentioned.
  • Several countries are known for their progressive approach to flexible work arrangements, including:
    • Netherlands: Known for its part-time work culture and flexible scheduling options.
    • Sweden: Emphasizes work-life balance, with policies promoting parental leave and flexible work hours.
    • Denmark: Offers flexible work hours and telecommuting options to promote work-life harmony.
    • Finland: Known for its flexible work policies, including telecommuting and reduced work hours.
    • New Zealand: Promotes flexible work arrangements to support work-life balance and employee well-being.
  • These countries prioritize work flexibility as a means to enhance productivity, job satisfaction, and overall quality of life for employees.

Integration of Gig Workers with Full-Time Employees:

  • Gig workers can complement full-time employees by providing additional flexibility and scalability to meet fluctuating work demands.
  • Full-time employees can collaborate with gig workers on specific projects or tasks, leveraging their specialized skills or expertise as needed.
  • Employers can establish clear guidelines and communication channels to facilitate collaboration between gig workers and full-time employees, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and values.
  • By integrating gig workers into flexible work arrangements, organizations can effectively manage workloads, optimize resource allocation, and enhance overall productivity and efficiency.

In this article published by todayonline ’All employees can ask for flexi-work arrangements from December: 5 key takeaways from new guidelines’, it provided very clear takeaways to the guideline you can learn about FWA.

A good employer need not wait for December to implement FWA, the sooner you implement it, the earlier you can reap its benefits and the sooner you can attract and retain a wider pool of talent to you.  A good talent will also seek employment with employers offering FWA.

“Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy goal or ideal.” – Earl Nightingale